Monday, April 9, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Hi, my name is Cassie Marie. I love penguins and playing my fiddle. I am 9 years old.


  1. Cassie thats awesome that you got a blog. Keep posting because I'm reading.

  2. Hi Cassie:

    How is your foot? Hope it is all well now. I have a video of just you when you hurt your foot, but I can't watch it cause I can't stand to see you in pain. You certainly were brave. I still can't believe you danced on it!

    I have a blog now. Your mom can tell you what my blog name is. I just started so I don't know how to do lots of things, but post a comment on it so I know you got this message.

    Let me know what you have been up to?

    Miss and Love you...

    Uncle John

  3. thats a great picture of you!!!
    hey its jen i got a blog!
